Our club is proud and growing!

Our club is a general interest amateur radio club that can trace its history back to 1931. We have been ARRL affiliated since 1949 and a New York State not-for-profit corporation since 1964.

The majority our membership is from Rockland, the surrounding counties of Orange and Westchester as well as Bergen County, NJ.

We are an ARRL-VEC, and will be very pleased to help you get started with your first FCC license or upgrade your existing one.

Our members are directly involved in many public service events, and most are members of both Rockland County RACES and Rockland County SKYWARN.

We cordially invite you to join us at our next meeting!

Crystal Radio Club, Inc.

     Copyright 2025 - Crystal Radio Club, Inc. All rights reserved.    W2DMC@arrl.net