For sale - updated 11/1/24 - Make an offer!

We have radio equipment which has been recently donated to the club!

More to come shortly.

They are being offered​ for sale on an as-is basis for the benefit of the club treasury.

Please contact Paul K2PH or Glenn N2GOP if you are interested in any of these items!

New functional additions:

-> All power cords terminated in Anderson Powerpoles <-

Yaesu FT2200 - S/N 4J190509, display half backlit, mic PTT intermittent but working. (View)

Ameritron ALS600 Amplifier & Power Supply

Icom IC-746 Pro - 160 Meter - 2 Meter, all mode. Clean front and rear, Full output on all bands.
Kenwood TS-480 HX - 160 Meter - 6 Meter, all mode. No antenna tuner. Full output on all bands
. This is a 200 Watt radio!

Lighting up and not much else:

Sommerkamp/Yaesu FTDX150
KDK FM-2015R

Science Projects (condition unknown):

Satellite S20B - no power supply.
Hallicrafters group consisting of HT44, SX117, PS 150-120 and Turner desk microphone.

Some interconnect cables with group.

Test Equipment:

BK Precision VOM- with leads, new battery - not calibrated.
Simpson 260 VOM- main switch needs cleaning, needs leads.

MFJ-986 Tuner

MFJ-962D Tuner
Swan WM-1500 SWR meter.
Swan ST-1 antenna tuner - (large- possibly 1kW rated)
Astron power supply RS-20A.

Jetstream JTPS-45 power supply

Crystal Radio Club, Inc.

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